Natural Forest Seeds, Veg Dyed Cerulean Earrings
Product Description:
Handmade Forest Seeds Ear Rings
Amongst the dense rain forests in the lower Himalayas of the north east, roaming tribals gather seeds and embellish them with natural colors and hand-make these stunning trinkets. What you see, is what you get, as they are virtually impossible to locate again. Capture nature's glory in all humility. All eco friendly, biodegradable and carbon neutral, they would make a statement not only of your presence, but your care and concern of a better world.
From the foothills of the eastern Himalayas nestled around the dense forests of Sonajhuri, clusters of hamlets have excelled in the art of creating jewelry out of seeds of trees, fruits, flowers, etc. all residues of mother nature. Originally created to embellish themselves, living on the edge they now make available their wear to enable and sustain their very livelihood. Balancing the combination of seeds, blending their natural shades and hand coloring individual seeds with color dyes made of locally available plants, stones and such other, their ingenuity and creative skills could place them at the hottest fashion rendezvous in the world! As rare as the artisans, are their pure and natural creations, hand crafting just those few pieces that can be made in a week, to sell and survive the next. These humble yet precious ornaments that you may adorn can never be recreated, as the seeds, colors and their assemblage change at the dawn of each new day. Refreshing, individualistic and so caring.